Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Castle Storage located?

We now have 3 facilities. Two of our facilities are located in Dyer, Indiana. You can find us at 1490 Lincoln Highway between US Highway 30’s intersections with Calumet Avenue and US Highway 41, just east of downtown Dyer. Our second facility is located at 1575 Joliet Street by Highway 30.

Our Michigan City facility is located at 2600 Franklin St. behind the new 5/3rd bank and kitty corner from Ames Field. 

Visit our facility page to get specific directions from your location or call our office today!

What are your access hours?

We strongly believe that you should be able to get to your belongings when it is best for your schedule. Store with Castle Storage to take advantage of extended access hours between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. every day of the week, all year round! Now you can stop by after work, during the weekend, and even on holidays to get to your unit.

Michigan City Hours are during business hours. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9-5 Saturday and Sunday 9-1 Closed on Wednesday.

What are your office hours?

In order to provide the highest level of service to our customers, we’re here to serve you six days a week, Monday through Saturday. Stop by between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and Saturday between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at our Dyer, IN facilities. Our Michigan City location is open Monday through Sunday. We’ll be more than happy to give you hand and start your move off right!

Michigan City Winter operating/access hours are: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9-5 Saturday and Sunday 9-1 Closed on Wednesday.

What are your facility’s security features?

We take security very seriously. Our facility offers perimeter fencing, electronically gated access, and a system of security cameras throughout the facility. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with a member of our management team.

How can I pay my bill?

Paying your bill is easy when you sign up for our online bill pay program! Now you can pay your bill from anywhere with a secure internet connection. Use your phone, tablet, or home computer and never make a trip to our office again to drop off a payment.

Michigan City Site welcomes all major credit cards, auto pay, and ACH. 

What is temperature control and do I need it for my storage project?

​Temperature-controlled units are designed to keep your belongings protected from the natural shift in temperature of our climate near Lake Michigan. These units maintain a constant temperature throughout the year, cool in the summer and warm in the winter, ensuring that your belongings are free from the dangers of warping and swelling. You can store just about anything in these units, including antique collections, vinyl records, wooden furniture, documents, and anything else you wouldn’t normally store in an outdoor space. Call now to ask about the availability of these units!

What sizes do you offer?

We want you to have all the options in size you need to get the space that works best for your project. That’s why we offer a wide range of sizes between 5’x5’ all the way up to 10’x30’. Visit the unit calculator right here on our website or call now to ask about what size you need.